
Learning Styles and Academic Performance of Students in Secondary School Physics


ABSTRACT: This study investigated Learning Styles and Academic Performance of Students in Secondary School Physics. The study was conducted in Abak Local Government Area. A quasi-experimental design research method was adopted. 100 SS2 physics students were randomly selected from four secondary schools. Two in the urban and two in the rural area. Two hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. the instrument used in collecting data was physics Achievement test (PAT). The data collected were analyzed using independent t-test. The result revealed that students who used visual learning style performed better than those who used auditory learning style. Also males who used visual learning style performed better than their female counter parts. Based on the findings of this study it was recommended among others that students should inculcate good attitude and learning style that would enhance good academic performance in schools. 



1.1       Background of the study

Learning is defined as modification of behavior through experience. It is also defined as the acquisition of a desirable behavioural pattern. In other words learning is the modification and co-ordination of the response of the organisms. Thus learning is essentially an active process and not a passive observation of knowledge it is not the mere reading of books or listening to learners is an enrichment of experiences. Learning occupies an important place in the school, without learning all efforts of students as well as teachers are bund to become purposeless. Learning essentially consists of modification of reactions due to experience or practice (Ommen, 2015).

Sitt-Gohdes (2003) also holds that most teachers teach the way they were taught. This might have caused the frustration of a good number of learners as they witness that their performance are not accounted for by many teachers. The case is more serious in a context where students come from diverse educational experiences and with different cultural backgrounds. Compared to the extensive work done on methods and instructional activities, one vital area often neglected is the exploration of learning styles in the classroom. Standard academic performance can be as a result of standard learning ability. Researchers have pointed out that learning ability or techniques among students contribute positively or negatively to their level of academic performance.

Students do not learn in the same way and a number of different learning styles exist (Entitles, 2001, Honey and Munford, 2002). The various styles that learners adapt to learning include: visual learning styles, auditory learning style and kinesthetic or tactile learning style and students’ personal interest. These styles have contributed immensely on the academic performance of students in physics. Investigations have pointed out that learning techniques among students can contribute either positively or negatively to their academic performance. It is known that learning processes vary from person to person, and according to Keefe and Ferrell (2003) learning problems are frequently not related to the difficulty of the subject matter but rather to the type and level of the cognitive process required to learn the material. It is believed that when teachers are able to analysis the different needs of their students, the educational process is likely to be optimized for both students and teachers (Fairhurst,2005). Researchers have also pointed out that learning ability or technique among students can contribute positively or negatively to their level of academic performance. This study therefore investigate the effects of leaning styles on academic performance of students in Physics in secondary school. 

 1.2       Statement of the problem

It has been noted that students have different learning style and they are being treated equally as they find their study less interesting. poor reading, listening, and writing  ability are recoqnize among physics student in Abak school. As a results of these, mass failure in physics are being noticed as the students performance is poor, therefore, adoption of various learning style should be practiced among students in other to impure upon on the academic performance of physics students in Abak local government Area.


1.3       Purpose of the study

The main purpose of this study was to determine the effect of visual learning style and auditory learning style (learning style) on academic performance of secondary schools student in physics in Abak local government Area. the specific objective of the study was to:

(i)                     Determine the academic performance of students who learnt physics using visual learning styles and those learnt using auditory learning style.

(iii)             Determine the effect of learning style in academic performance of physics students by gender.


1.4       Research Hypothesis

The following null hypothesis were formulated to guide the study, they were tested at 0.05 probability level. 

(i)        There is no significant difference in academic performance of students taught physics using visual learning style and those taught physics using auditory learning style.      

(ii)       There is no significant difference in the academic performance between male and female student taught using visual learning style to learn physics in Abak Local Government Area.                        

1.5       Significance of the study

For the positive achievement of the study objectives, the study will generate data on the influence of learning style on students’ academic performance in Physics.

(i)        Findings of this study will be beneficial to teachers, parents, students, and government and guidance conunselors.

(ii)       To practicing teachers, the findings will create awareness of different learning styles necessary for learning. This will help them to encourage students on the use of these learning styles for rapid assimilation of Physical concepts and other subjects in school.

(iii)     Knowledge of the various learning styles will help students to develop positive attitude towards learning style that will help them to improve their academic performance.

(iv)      The finding regarding influence of learning style and male and female students academic performance will help physics teachers because it will expose them to the various strategies to encourage proper leaning style used by students in school to learn physics concepts.


1.6       Limitation of the study

The major factor which limit the scope of this study to Abak local government Area were in adequate fund, shortness of time and the researcher’s academic work load.

1.7       Delimitation of the study             

This study was restricted to the learning style and performance of students in physics in Abak local government Area. Analysis was on senior secondary students (SS1)in the study area.


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